Thursday, June 01, 2006

290 down 160 to go

  • For everyone who passed on this trip you really should consider making the next one, if we can con anyone into having a second. Kenneth & Diane did an exceptional job in coordinating this epic adventure. Everyone in this group has done incredibly well, we are all getting stronger every day. Doing this trip has made us realize how much the trace connects us to Nashville. We have encountered many cyclists on the way some coming from Natchez to Nashville and another group making the same trip as us heading to Natchez. We have two more hard days before we make it home, hope all of ya'll will come out and welcome us home Saturday afternoon. A special thanks to my posse Cara, Angie & Chris for making the miles going a little quicker and keeping us one step ahead of Tommy G. I do have to give Tommy G. a special thanks for pulling me down the trace for 18 miles when Cara's crank arm fell off. I did give it a good shot by peddling one legged but would have never made it w/out holding on to the back of Tommy's saddle. He said I looked like a one legged chipmunk peddling w/one leg. See you Saturday, Tommy S.

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